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Accounting Jokes

We love accounting and a good joke. Take time to smile and laugh today.

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Jokes for Accounting, Finance, Business, and more.

What is the ultimate party anthem for accountants?


FIFO Your Right to Party

What do the accountants of today owe the accountants that paved the way for them?


A Debit of Gratitude

What keeps a detective’s office in business?


Solve-ncy (Solvency)


Why do bakeries have to be cautious when generating their financials?


They need to make sure nobody fudged the numbers.

What type of debt instruments are popular with wireless phone companies?


Callable bonds

What is it called when a scary movie production company sells its accounts receivables?


Fear Factoring

Why are accountants often friends with chiropractors?


Because they are both good with adjustments.

Where do accountants like to write down their thoughts and document their day?


General Journal

How does a pet grooming business account for customers that prepay?


De-fur-ed Revenue

How did the auditors find fraud at the airline company?


It was "plane" to see.

How do accountants at power companies pay invoices?


Wire Transfer.


What type of trees do payroll departments keep in their office?


FICA Trees

What type of debt instruments are popular with wireless phone companies?


Callable bonds

How do you know that so many people in the banking industry are coffee enthusiasts?​

Because so many of their applications run on Java.

What do accountants use to remove errors from their printouts/notes?


Write Off

Why were the auditors unable to find the company's equity shares?


The stock split.

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